The Tahoe National Forest will begin a prescribed pile burn between Celestial Valley and Camptonville, California. Fire and fuel officials are planning a prescribed pile burn of up to 154 acres starting today, Jan. 10, and ending Monday, Jan. 15, conditions permitting. Smoke effects are minimal and visible from Highway 49, Celestial Valley, Pike, and surrounding areas.
This prescribed forest burn is part of the approximately 15,473-acre Trapper Project, a fuel reduction and forest health project in the eastern Camptonville area. The project is located within the North Yuba Landscape, where the Forest Service and the North Yuba Forest Partnership prioritize forest and watershed restoration efforts within the 275,000-acre landscape footprint. The North Yuba Landscape has been selected for investment in 2022 as part of the Forest Service’s Wildfire Risk Strategy and will receive $160 million in federal funding to implement wildfire risk reduction work in the watershed.
Incident updates and schedule changes will be announced on Tahoe National Forest’s InciWeb. Catnf Tahoe National Forest Yuba River Ranger District Pileburn Project Information | InciWeb (
Trapper Project Pileburn
Yuba River Ranger District
Legal location: T18N R8E Section 22 (F70) T18N R9E Section 24 & 13 (F05)
Acres: up to 154 acres
Lighting date: January 10th to January 15th, conditions permitting.
Why are we burning?
The purpose of this prescribed burn is to reduce existing fire hazards and
Prevent future fires in your area and reduce their impact. Other benefits include:
Improve wildlife habitat and reintroduce fire into fire-adapted ecosystems.
Why now?
In the current situation, prescribed combustion is possible.Each prescribed firefighting activity
Follow a prescribed fire plan that takes into account temperature, humidity, wind, vegetation moisture, and smoke dispersion conditions.
This information is used to decide when and where to write. The Tahoe National Forest strives to provide as much advance notice as possible before fires, but some work may be done on short notice.
Smoke from prescribed firefighting is normal and may persist for several days after ignition, depending on the size of the project and environmental conditions. Smoke is likely to settle in the valley in the evening and rise in the morning. The Tahoe National Forest works with the state and local county air pollution control districts to closely monitor weather conditions prior to prescribed fires. Crews will also conduct test burns to verify how efficiently fuel is consumed and how smoke travels before igniting a larger area.