A full breakdown of events can be found below.
April 25-27 College Sailing Open Team Race National Championship @ MIT (FJs/420s) 10:00AM
Guthrie Brown/emily muller
Liam O’Keeffe/savannah young
conor nelson/vera allen
Leighton Borcherding/caroline keef-jones
Camren Spriggs
conor macken
katherine morissette
April 28-29 College Sailing Women’s Team Race National Championship @ Harvard University (FJs/Z420s) 10:00AM
brielle willoughby/brianna ross
charlotte costikyan/Menasha Report
katherine mcnamara/lily shore
Francesca Edmunds
caitlin hamilton
Catherine Dobre
laura hamilton
Catherine Mudgett
sidney moyer
Sierra Bornheim
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The Brown University Sports Foundation (BUSF) is the lifeblood of the athletics program and exists to enhance the student-athlete experience through philanthropy from alumni, parents, fans, and friends. Donations through the Sports Foundation have an immediate impact on today’s Brown Bears, helping them be the best they can be in the classroom, in competition, and most importantly, in their communities. To learn more about supporting the Bears, click here. here.
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