Southwest Nebraska Department of Public Health
Let’s make new resolutions with the new year! The Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department (SWNPHD) is encouraging everyone to commit to a healthier lifestyle in 2024. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle improves your quality of life and helps prevent life-threatening chronic diseases such as stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and heart disease. others.
What is a healthy lifestyle?
Several factors contribute to a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity, nutrition, and mental health. A healthy lifestyle varies from person to person depending on age, gender, health status, and various other factors. The following exercise and dietary guidelines are recommended for the general public. Consult your doctor or health care provider for health recommendations tailored to your own lifestyle.
General physical activity recommendations
- 150 minutes of aerobic exercise (walking, running, or other activities that get your heart rate up) per week
- At least two days a week of strength-strengthening activities (muscle-strengthening activities such as weightlifting and squats/push-ups)
- For more information, visit
General nutritional recommendations
- Make half your plate fruits and vegetables
- Make half your grains whole grains
- Change your protein habits
- Try switching to low-fat or fat-free dairy options (or dairy alternatives)
- For more information, visit
General recommendations regarding mental health
- Make sleep a priority by sticking to a schedule and getting enough sleep.
- Try relaxing activities like meditation, muscle relaxation, and breathing exercises.
- Practice gratitude and remind yourself every day of what you are grateful for.
- Focus on the positive. Identify and challenge your negative and unhelpful thoughts.
- Stay connected. Cultivate healthy relationships and be open to new social experiences.
For more information about setting healthy lifestyle goals, contact SWNPHD at 308-345-4223. The Southwest Nebraska Department of Public Health serves Chase, Dundee, Frontier, Furnas, Hays, Hitchcock, Keith, Perkins and Red Willow counties. Follow us on Facebook, You Tube, TikTok, Instagram or visit our website at This website contains many resources and additional information to help prevent disease, promote health, and protect you. Call (308) 345-4223. One is number three location, McCook, Imperial, Ogallala.