In the health and wellness field, the concept of improving healthspan through lifestyle changes and personalized treatments is gaining significant attention. Renowned health expert Dr. Fred Harvey recently shed light on this topic on an episode of his radio show, Healthy Steps. Dr. Harvey’s perspective is shaped by his extensive experience in this field and emphasizes the importance of individuals taking control of their health. He believes that by adopting simple lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, a plant-based diet, prioritizing sleep, managing chronic diseases, fostering relationships, and cultivating a positive mindset, individuals can improve their health. We believe it can significantly improve lifespan. He also advocates individualized treatment options that address the root cause of health problems rather than simply managing symptoms. Join us for this enlightening episode of the Healthy Steps Radio Show podcast with Dr. Fred Harvey as we dive deeper into the concept of improving your health span through lifestyle changes and personalized treatments.
(00:01:47) Bridging the gap between people with disabilities: healthy living
(00:03:23) The secret of Blue Zone longevity
(00:07:03) Prioritize healthy longevity and meaningful relationships
(00:11:24) Autoimmune joint destruction: understanding rheumatoid arthritis
(00:19:49) Effect of nightshade vegetables on rheumatoid arthritis
(00:29:48) Glucose tolerance spectrum and insulin signaling
(00:34:42) COVID-19 vaccine and potential heart complications