Every year, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) showcases the most innovative technology trends and devices on the planet. The world’s largest technology trade show, held annually since 1967, has unveiled devices such as VHS video recorders, DVD players, 3D printers, and wireless or roll-up televisions. This year, event organizers expect more than 4,000 exhibitors and 130,000 attendees to gather at the show, which will be held in Las Vegas from January 9th to 12th.
More than 250 conferences will be held at CES, with participation from technology giants such as Panasonic, Samsung, LG, Google, Amazon, Accenture, Qualcomm and Hyundai, which invited EL PAÍS to the event. These companies and others will discuss and exhibit their inventions in an area the size of 43 football fields, said Kinsey Fabrizio, CES senior vice president. Artificial intelligence, digital health, smart home, sustainability, beauty technology and more are some of the big tech trends at this event.
artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence has gradually entered the daily lives of millions of people through programs like ChatGPT and Google Bard, voice assistants, recommendation systems on platforms like Netflix, and smart home appliances. According to a report released by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), which organizes CES, 27% of Americans believe that AI technology is already having a significant impact on their daily lives. The survey also found that while many people think of AI as “innovative, futuristic and intelligent,” few associate it with trust and safety.
“Consumers agree that AI regulation is necessary,” the report states. This issue will be discussed at CES, along with how AI technology is revolutionizing various fields. “Agriculture, accessibility, healthcare, and semiconductor businesses are among the companies that are incorporating AI to improve efficiency and help solve societal challenges,” Kelsey Kelly, CTA policy program manager, wrote in an October article. “It’s one,” he explained. This year’s CES will also analyze actual and potential applications for generative artificial intelligence, with a variety of devices equipped with this type of technology ranging from televisions, speakers, and headphones to cameras, cars, and robots. It will be on display.
digital health
According to CTA, healthcare is becoming more personal, portable, and customizable. Last year’s hottest gadgets included an app that analyzed your bowel movements, a sensor that monitored your urine in real time, and a credit card-sized device that took electrocardiograms. His CES this year will also showcase other innovative devices, including lipstick that diagnoses symptoms and artificial intelligence aimed at detecting heart disease.
We also highlight how the latest advances can transform women’s health, mental health, and healthcare through smart home innovations. Experts also share their predictions for what the future of healthcare will look like. For CTAs, this is even more “proactive, portable, and customizable.” The United Nations estimates that by 2050, 3.7 million people will be over 100 years old.
smart home
Homes are becoming more and more efficient. Approximately 19% of American households already own smart appliances such as refrigerators, washers, dryers, and dishwashers, according to 2023 survey results released by CTA. This technology is also used in lighting systems, window coverings, irrigation, and entertainment systems. This is the case with TVs, where companies like Panasonic also want to transform TVs into smart home management centers.
“Energy efficiency and automation are key trends in the sector, and consumers prefer products that save time and money while improving safety and overall well-being,” CTA said. This year’s conference will analyze how technology can improve home security, what it can do for multifamily housing, and how companies are looking to attract new customers.
According to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, the climate emergency is the greatest economic, social and environmental threat facing the planet and humanity. “As calls to combat climate change grow, technology companies are looking for ways to be part of the solution,” CTA said. Devices that address this challenge will be on display at this year’s CES, including electric skid-steer loaders, autonomous robots that remove algae that negatively impact water quality, and alternatives to starch-based plastics.
The show also looks at how technological innovation can improve our planet’s most precious resources, such as clean air and water. It will also analyze whether demand for electric cars, which reached record numbers, is slowing down. Electric vehicle batteries and sustainability are among the priorities of exhibitors such as Panasonic. Companies such as Genesis Systems, which wants to generate fresh water from the air, and Nubilab, which has developed an artificial intelligence-powered food scanner to avoid food waste, will also be exhibiting at the show.
beauty technology
Last year, L’Oréal wowed CES attendees with a makeup applicator for people with mobility impairments. “The goal is to be able to apply lipstick and mascara consistently,” explained employee Casey Barbarino. This year, the French company will become the first beauty company to keynote at CES. “The first wave of beauty technology changed the way people discovered, evaluated, and purchased beauty products. These days, by democratizing skin health and increasing access to self-expression, we’ve seen a shift in the way people find, evaluate, and purchase beauty products. We now know we can better serve the underserved,” said Nicolas Hieronymus, CEO of L’Oréal.
At this year’s CES, dozens of exhibitors will be showcasing advances in beauty technology. For example, AmorePacific designs devices for skin care, including a new cosmetics brand called Authentic Color Master from Toneworks. A makeup brand that analyzes the color of over 3,000 areas of your face to create personalized makeup. Another exhibitor, ART Lab, has developed a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence to solve customers’ skin concerns and help them find the right cosmetics.
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